Our mission is simple: build community through music and the arts.
The arts have always crossed racial and economic boundaries to bring people together, it can reach deep into people’s hearts and souls to share a message.
We create and support community art projects that bring people together and we raise money for community social safety nets through events centered on those arts projects.
Supporting art, community,
and economic development
Culture 4 a Cause Proclamation
Our mission is simple: To build community through the transformative power of music and the arts. We believe that the arts have a unique ability to transcend racial and economic divides, weaving threads of connection that bind us together as one human family.
James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket trailer
Thank you to everyone who made The James Baldwin screening such a success!
The John Brown Project had the distinct honor of being featured at the Black History Film Festival in Washington D.C. on February 10th at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema!
“CT Views” Community TV
Your arts and culture source in Northwest Connecticut, City Views, airs three times each week on Altice Channel 5. The show is broadcast to more than 50,000 homes in Litchfield county.
Culture 4 A Cause is the parent organization of CT Views Community Access TV show.